

Cloud Based Business Solutions for Small Businesses: What I Have Learnt

Many small businesses around the world are at the mercies of the big well established businesses, right, but wrong! The truth is any business however big or small can grow beyond any reasonable measures.
In fact there is never any limit to how much a business can grow. So what must you do to grow? Use cloud based business solutions. Here are a few tips that I have learnt about could based business solutions that will be of great help.

Pricey Doesn’t Mean the Best

There are a number of cloud based solutions on the cheap but which are very effective. DropBox, Google Drive, and many others are affordable and will still serve your business efficiently. I often recommend the use of Zoolz as a backup system for the Office 365 cloud based systems.

Syncing, Sharing, and Storage

If your small business network infrastructure offers great cloud based applications, then it should focus on these three main cloud based options. The reason we use cloud based applications is to provide easy syncing, file sharing, and storage options. To improve efficiency, reduce on the use of space, and provide easy flexibility when using files, choosing an application with the three basic options is often advisable.

Use Online Cloud Services

Take a look at ADrive for instance, this cloud based app offers online cloud storage options. It can therefore offer a number of services to millions of individuals. This is really cool especially for online based businesses that are looking to capture real-time service delivery across the globe.

File Restoration is Powerful

Apart from syncing, sharing, and storing of files, any cloud based application that intends to maximize productivity should provide file restoration options. Can you restore your files in case they are lost? That’s the basic question that you should strive to answer. Often, many cloud based applications will offer backup services. However restoration of files is also a very powerful too that’s your business can also do with however small the business could be.

Think File Sending Flexibility

The ability of a cloud based application to transfer files using SCP, SFTP, or Rsync is a great option for a growing or already established business. The application will in fact be super cool if it also offers small businessserver support with an option of Android and the iOS mobile apps.

Think Compatibility Too

Flawless integration of cloud based solutions is also a powerful option. For many cloud based applications that we use, we are always looking for solutions that are compatible to the Office 365 cloud based solutions for small businesses. Indeed, such applications will provide maximum solution to your business in case they can work together and complete each other. Take your time to try a few depending on your business.

In case you want to use any cloud based solutions for your small business IT systems, look for ideal solutions that will provide you with maximum output. Such applications will be office or online based. 
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